Objectives of the school
Discover the research performed in Geophysics and Geology in the Rift of Corinth
Learn more about SAR interferometry (the SENTINEL mission, how to find data and software, how to process data, the GEP-TEP and its application to CRL)
Learn more about GPS (how to make measurements in the field, how to process data)
Gather students from various universities working together at CRL and with different background
Participants (students in bold)
Nikos Argyropoulos (UPAT) – n.argiropgeo@gmail.com
Pavlos Batsios (HUA) – gp215110@hua.gr
Christian Beck (Université de Savoie) – christian.beck@univ-savoie.fr
Pierre Briole (CNRS-ENS) – briole@ens.fr
Michael Delagas (NKUA) – delagas@hotmail.com
Dimitar Dimitrov (BAS-NIGGG) – clgdimi@bas.bg
Panagiotis Elias (NOA-IAASARS) – pelias@noa.gr
Michael Foumelis (ESA) – Michael.Foumelis@esa.int
Athanassios Ganas (NOA-IG) – aganas@noa.gr
Maria Geraga (UPAT) – mgeraga@upatras.gr
Dimitrios Kalliantas (HUA) – gs213127@hua.gr (Sunday 25 only)
Elisavet Kollia (NKUA) – kolliaelisavet@gmail.com
Alexandros Kostaras (UPAT) – alexkost1988@gmail.com
Aggeliki Kyriou (UPAT) – aggelikh_kyr@hotmail.gr
Evelyn Moraitini (HUA) – gs21223@hua.gr
Asterios Papastergios (HUA) – asteriospapas@gmail.com
Dora Perrou (HUA) – dperrou@hua.gr
Marine Roger (EOST) – marine.roger.28@gmail.com
Nikolaos Roukounakis (NOA-IERSD) – nrouk@noa.gr
Spiros Sergiou (UPAT) – sergiou@upatras.gr
Varvara Tsironi (NKUA) – barbara.tsir@gmail.com
Panagiota (Naya) Varouta (Λεόντειο Λύκειο) – naya-var@hotmail.com
A school organized With the contributions of Vassilis Anastassopoulos (UPAT), Georgia Koukiou (UPAT), Carlo Laj (ENS), Issaak Parcharidis (HUA), Thimios Sokos (UPAT)
Thanks also to Akti hotel (Nafpaktos), GEFYRA (Akis Panagis, Aris Stathopoulos-Vlamis), ESA and the GEP-TEP (TerraDue) project (for InSAR, elements for the school were prepared in July and early September by Asterios and Marine)
Programme of the school
Friday 23 September: conferences and classes at the University of Patras
Presentation of Nikos Roukounakis (Modelling of the tropospheric delay for correcting SAR interferometric data)
Presentation of Michael Foumelis
Class of Michael Foumelis
Saturday 24 September: participation to CRL fieldwork
Team 1: maintenance of the Trizonia CRL station (Panagiotis, Dora, Pavlos, Michael)
Team 2: visit at campaign GPS sites (Nikos, Elisavet, Evelyn, Varvara, Nikos)
Team 3: visit at campaign GPS sites and permanent CRL stations (Pierre, Marine, Naya, Alex)
Team 4: visit at campaign GPS stations (Dimitar, Asterios)
Sunday 25 September:
Cruise from Xania (Trizonia) to Agios Nikolaos
Visit of the Psaromita CRL station
Kinematic GPS exercise around Trizonia
Exercise of sea level measurement
Visit of the seismic antenna of Magoula
Evening: school dinner
Monday 26 September
Class of Thanassis Ganas (active faults and tectonics of the CRL area)
Class on Pierre Briole (GPS and the processing of GPS data)
Presentation of Christian Beck on the marine aspects of CRL
Presentation of Univ Patras on cores sampled in the Corinth rift
Photos : See the photos of the CRL School 2016 and September 2016 CRL campaign
More about CRL: the CRL WebObs (login: guest/guest)
Theme 1: SAR interferometry
Theme 2: GPS positioning (static and kinematic)
Theme 3: Sea level
Theme 4: Marine geology
FTP site for direct download of documents: list of documents