Strong motion network (continuous & triggered)
Continuous NOA station
Triggered NOA station
Continuous CNRS station
Triggered ITSAK station
See also the EuroSeisTest data base
Seismic network. Objective: high resolution continuous monitoring of the seismicity in the Aigion-Patras area
U. of Athens station
NOA station
CNRS station
U. of Patras station
Network description
- CRLNET is composed of 11 stations equipped with 2Hz seismometers, 9 stations equipped with broad band seismometers, recording continously at 100 Hz and one antenna of 7 broad band stations. CNRS (France) is running 14 stations and the antenna, Patras University 4 stations and Athens University 2.
- 5 seismometers on the south shore of the gulf are in 60-100 m deep boreholes (AIOA, ALIK, AGEO,DIMT, TEME). MALA located on the Mornos delta on the north shore is in a 190 m deep borehole.
- All stations are transmitted in real time and merged to provide real time earthquake location.
- Data are available since April 2000.
- View real time recordings
- View real time locations
- Access revised automatic catalogs and seismicity maps
- Access CUP (Charles University of Prague) database
Acces to waveform data
- The seismological/deformation network is operated by different institutions and therefore associated with different network codes. The present configuration is :
- code HP : SERG, ANX, PVO, EFP, VVK ; doi:10.7914/SN/HP ; University of Patras
- code HA : LAKA, KALE ; doi:10.7914/SN/HA ; Kapodastrian University of Athens
- code HL : KLV, RLS, DLFA ; doi:10.7914/SN/HL ; National Observatory of Athens
- code CL : all CNRS stations ; doi: 10.15778/RESIF.CL ; Citing instructions are given in ; Centre National de La Recherche Scientifique
- A virtual network code _NFOCRL is maintained at EIDA-NOA data center and includes all stations located inside the large frame of CRL Laboratory. A global request can be done using this virtual network code. Attention : presently only the ArcLink procedure is operational at NOA server ( for the virtual network code, FDSN web services will be operational in the future.
Data are archived at:
– NOA data center for the HP, HA, HL network codes.
– RESIF data center for the CL network code.
- Real time and quality controled data are available on EIDA european servers. This concerns all velocity and acceleration chanels. Soon deformation and tide gauge will be added.
- Requests tools are the classical tools of the seismological community :
– Near real time data with seedlink at (TCP port 18000) for CL data. Documentation
– Arclink node (TCP port 18001) or (TCP port 18001). Documentation
– FDSN web services at (TCP port 80) or (TCP port 80). Documentation
– Web tool at or Orfeus data center.
Data before 2010 are progressively added to the database. All HA and HP stations with the _NFOCRL will be progressively added in EIDA@NOA. CL data between 2000 and 2010 are added progressively to the RESIF database. CL real time data are qualified and completed when possible within a delay of one year.
H. Lyon-Caen or A. Deschamps for CR@NFOCRL
C. Evangelidis for HL@NFOCRL
E. Sokos or J. Zahradnik for HP@NFOCRL
P. Papadimitriou for HA@NFOCRL