2011-13 SISCOR (F)

Hazard, seismogenic dynamics, and seismic/aseismic coupling of an active fault system in the western Rift of Corinth, Greece.

Funding : Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), France

Objectives of the project

SISCOR aims at providing new key observational elements, in the CRL region, as well as improved methodologies, for contributing to testing and (…)

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IPGP: Pascal Bernard (project coordinator)
ENS: Pierre Briole – Hélène Lyon-Caen
IRSN: Oona Scotti
GeoAzur: Anne Deschamps
Univ. Nancy: Mary Ford (…)

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SISCOR: meeting march 28-29 2012

To access presentations and summary
SISCOR is a 3-year project funded by ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) in France. 2011-2014
SISCOR is an (…)

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