Objectives of the school
- Gather students from various universities working together at CRL and with different background
- Associate school teachers and high schools to the didactic program and activities
- Discover the research performed in Geophysics and Geology in the Rift of Corinth
- Learn more about SAR interferometry (SAR interferometry, the SENTINEL mission, the GEP-TEP and its application to CRL)
- Learn more about GPS (theory, measurements in the field)
- Learn more about seismology (with didactic tools) and learn more about the seismicity in the Corinth Rift
- Go on board of a marine geophysics vessel
- Learn more about geotechical aspects of the seismic hazard in the area, the case of the Rio-Antirio bridge
Participants (students and school teachers in bold)
- Stavroula Alatza (NTUA) PhD student
- Alexandre Barboni (Ecole Normale Supérieure) MSc student
- Christian Beck (Université de Savoie)
- Jean-Luc Berenguer (Université de la Côte d’Azur)
- Pierre Briole (CNRS)
- Simon Bufferal (Ecole Normale Supérieure) MSc student
- Panagiotis Elias (National Observatory Athens)
- Muriel Gagneron (Lycée Français d’Athènes)
- Athanassios Ganas (National Observatory Athens)
- Faustine-Albert Gendron (Lycéen Henri Bergson Paris)
- Maria Geraga (University of Patras) [More]
- Maya Ilieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
- Ioannis Karamitsos (Aristotle University Thessaloniki) MSc
- Chris King (European Geophysical Union)
- Georgia Koukiou (University of Patras)
- Christos Kontopoulos (Geosystems-Hellas)
- Chrysanthi Kosma (NKUA) MSc student [application]
- Carlo Laj (European Geophysical Union)
- Evangelos Maltezos (NTUA) PhD student
- Anastasia Nikolopoulou (NKUA)
- Paraskevi Nomikou (NKUA)
- Akis Panagis (GEFYRA)
- Alexandros Papadopoulos (HUA) MSc student
- Helena Partheniou (NKUA) MSc student
- Hélder Pereira (Escola Secundária de Loulé, Portugal)
- Maria Privitera ()
- Marine Roger (Newcastle University) PhD student
- Luca Terray (University of Clermont Ferrand) PhD student
- Athina Tsapanou (NKUA) PhD student
- Vassilis Sakkas (NKUA)
- Spiros Sergiou (University of Patras) PhD student
- Efthimios Sokos (University of Patras)
- Sotiris Valkaniotis (Freelance Geologist) [More & More]
*CNRS = Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, HUA = Harokopio University of Athens, NKUA = National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, NTUA = National Technical University of Athens
Preparation of the School: Vassilis Anastasopoulos, Pierre Briole, Panagiotis Elias, Carlo Laj, Annita Panteleli
Organisation of the sessions in the laboratory and in the field: Jean-Luc (Iannis Lukas) Berenguer, Pierre Briole, Panagiotis Elias, Maria Geraga, Georgia Koukiou, Petros Pitsiakkas, Spyros Sergiou, Efthimios Sokos
Acknowledgements: Akti Hotel Nafpaktos, the municipality of Nafpaktos, the university of Patras, GEFYRA, ESA
Programme of the school (download the initial programme)
Friday 22 September afternoon (University of Patras)
- Introduction of the School (P Briole)
- Presentation of the Corinth Rift Observatory (P Elias)
- Introduction to SAR interferometry (P Elias)
- Theoretical and practical aspects of GNSS measurements (M Ilieva)
- Hands on the GEP (P Elias) [SNAP S1 tutorial]
- Panoramic view of the western Corinth rift from Monastiraki (A Ganas)
- Visit of the seismic antenna of Magoula (P Briole)
- Visit of the seismic station of Vomvokou (E Sokos)
- Installation of a school seismometer in the high school of Nafpaktos (JL Berenguer)
- Didactic seismology (JL Berenguer)
- Seismic observation of the West Gulf of Corinth (E Sokos)
- Marine Geophysics (E Nomikou)
- Hands on the « seismo box » experiments for schools (JL Berenguer)
- Visit at the CRL multiparameter station of Psaromita
- GPS work in sub-groups
- group 1: kinematic GPS at Psaromita (Stavroula, Maria, Hélder, )
- group 2: installation of a GPS station at Kalithea
- group 3: installation of a GPS station at Sergoula
- group 4: installation of a GPS station at Klima
- group 5: test of Geosystems Hellas kinematic GPS
- Earthquakes and faults in the area of the West Gulf of Corinth (A Ganas)
- Observations of ground deformation in the Ionian Island (V. Sakkas)
- Landslides detection using satellite acquisitions (E Maltezos)
- Quaternary tectonics in the northern Gulf of Corinth: exploring the northern boundary and transition to central Greece rift (S Valkaniotis)
- Terrestrial Lidar imaging of active normal fault scarps (I Karamitros)
- Dispersion of volcanic particles in Western Greece (L Terray)
- What are the rocks beneath our feet in Nafpaktos (0-100km) (S Bufferal)
- Revisiting the 1995 earthquake of Aigion (S Alatza)
- InSAR in the Patras Area (A. Papadopoulos)
Monday 25 September (Patras harbour)
- Marine Geophysics on board of the vessel of the University of Patras
Tuesday 26 September morning (University of Patras)
- Structural intrumented monitoring and geometric control of Rion-Antirrion Bridge (A Panagis)
- Offshore exploration of the western Gulf of Corinth (C Beck)
- Visit of the seismology laboratory (A Serpetsidaki, E Sokos)
- Recent sedimentary processes in the western Gulf of Corinth, Greece: seismic and aseismic turbidites (S Sergiou)
- Presentation and analysis of submarine borehole samples (M Geraga & S Sergiou)
- Simple tsunami model for schools (C King)
- Visit of the stations of the CRL array (P Briole)
CRL School 2017 in the media and other link
- Announced by the NOA
- Announced by the municipality of Nafpaktos
- Interview in Nafpaktia news
- At the Université de la Cote d’Azur (EDUMED)
- Theme 1: SAR interferometry (Friday 22)
- Theme 2: Seismology (Saturday 23)
- Theme 3: GPS positioning (Sunday 24)
- Theme 4: Marine Geophysics (Monday 25)
- Theme 5: Geotechnics, Monitoring and Geology (Tuesday 26)
FTP site for direct download of documents: list of documents