2005-2007 3HAZ-Corinth (EU)

Coordination: P. Bernard

Full text of the project: 3HAZ


The goal of this project was to contribute to better measure, model, and predict the processes leading to earthquakes, landslides, submarine slides and tsunamis, and their effect in term of hazard. The target area is the rift of Corinth, well known for its exceptional activity with respect to these hazards. This work focused on the western end of the rift, close to the cities of Patras and Aigion, where the risk is highest.

3HAZ workpackages:

WP1 : Seismicity Monitoring and Modeling

WP2 : Long Term Deformation and Hazard

WP3: Short Term Tectonic Deformation

WP4: Aseismic transients and precursors

WP5: Landslides

WP6: Offshore slope failure and tsunamis

WP7: Sensor-innovation and demonstration

WP8: CRL information systems:Alarms, Webpage, and Data Base

WP9: Management