Please find the Brochure of the CRL School 2020 or just the Program
CRL School (online version) 2020 Evaluation: Please fill the evaluation forms, for students, for teachers. It is crucial for us to have your opinion and please be honest and don’t hesitate to express negative comments but in a constructive way!
Download the presentations of the CRL School 2020
Mediterranean Environment Observatory for Schools
The CRL School 2020 Group photo1 and photo2
Videos of the CRL School Youtube channel:
George Kaviris presenting an introduction to phase picking with SeisGram2K
Ioannis Spingos presenting an introduction to shear-wave splitting with Pytheas
Attendance Book:
Please fill in the Attendance book. The links will be send in the chat and they will be valid when there will be a relative announcement for a limited duration of time.
Demonstration of CRL GIS data.
- Prerequisites for Hand on Tuned in to the Earth : Using data online at school on Sunday 10:20-10:40 (EET):
Please download in advance the SEISMICITY-CATALOG-2018 in csv and kmz format - Prerequisites for Hand on simple seismic software packages provided on-line on Sunday 11:40-12:20 (EET):
Please follow in advance the instructions for Topic1 and Topic2 to be prepared for the relative class
Dear teachers and students, welcome to the 2020 edition of the CRL School!
As you know, the general objective of the School is to unite Master and PhD students from Greek and foreign Universities that collaborate in the framework of the Corinth Rift Observatory (, together with high school European teachers. The goal is to introduce them to different geophysical and geological methods and observations, as well as to first-hand scientific knowledge.
Unfortunately, due to the restrictions imposed by the Covid Pandemia, the CRL School 2020 will be held via teleconference platform Zoom. One of the main characteristics of the CRL School is the educational field component, performed in the natural area of the Corinth Rift. Since this is not the case for this year, the CRL School 2020 is not considered as a ‘normal’ one and certificates of attendance to the students will not be given. A certification of attendance of the online ‘version’ of the School will be given only to the secondary level teachers, to facilitate their admission from their supervisors. Moreover, the number of the participant, for the first time, is not limited and all the participants of 2020 may apply for the next CRL Schools, which will hopefully be held on site.
At the School, scientific issues at various disciplines of Earth Sciences, including seismology, geodesy, geology and geophysics will be examined from a theoretical point of view, as well as from the point of view of their applications in the research studies and results at the Corinth Rift.
This rift is one of the most seismically active regions of Europe, where movements are so rapid that it has been defined as “a natural geodynamical laboratory”. The knowledge acquired there is applicable to other seismically active regions worldwide and, thus, has a broad scientific signification.
We foresee that the participants will gain understanding of all these methods and their results and will be engaged in discussions about the interpretation of the results and how they can be used in teaching.
The Scientific Committee has been one of the actors in preparing this School, but other persons and/or Institutions have contributed to it. We would like to acknowledge all the lecturers and Mrs. Annita Panteleli who assisted the organization of the School.
We would like to continue to offer to students and teachers the opportunity to participate to the CRL School in future years. Of course, this depends upon us being able to show our sponsors that the School has been useful to students and teachers in their studies and in their daily teaching, or as inspiration for teaching geoscience in new ways in their schools. Therefore, after the School we will ask you to complete the evaluation forms (for students and for teachers) as soon as possible.
We also encourage you to write reports for the School in publications specifically intended for geosciences, science and geography teachers.
For now, please enjoy your CRL School 2020.
And please tell your colleagues at school, fellow students and friends about it and encourage them to come to future editions of the School!
The Scientific Committee of the CRL School
The CRL School 2020 will be held on September 18 to 20, 2020
The 5th CRL School will be held on September 18 to 20, 2020. Due to the special circumstances imposed by covid-19 restrictions, this year’s school will be conducted via teleconference. Thus, the activities that are a special feature of this school i.e. the demonstration of measuring stations in the classroom and in the field, demonstration of an educational seismological station, geological observations, laboratory measurement processing classes and joint exercises in the field will not be performed. Instead, this year’s school will include presentations / lectures and discussions with distinguished local and foreign scientists to the participating students and teachers of secondary education.
The summer school is mainly addressed to postgraduate and doctoral students together with secondary education teachers. A certificate of attendance will not be given this time, however participants will not be excluded from their participation in the next school, when this will be conducted in its normal character.
The number of participants won’t be limited as in the past CRL School, yet the participants will be selected based on their academic record and their motivation (as described in the participation form).
For further information, you can also contact Annita Panteleli by e-mail: apanteleli.crl at
Applications are accepted from July 22nd to August 20th, 2020 .
Interested parties can sign up using the following links: