2000-2002 CORSEIS (EU)

CORSEIS: An integrated study of seismic hazard assessment in the area of Aigion, Gulf of Corinth, Greece


  • Project ID: EVG1-CT-1999-00002 (FP5)
  • From 2000-04-01 to 2002-07-31
  • Total cost: 676 000€ (EU contribution:662 000€)
  • Coordination: P. Bernard


The aim of the project was to improve:

* methodologies for integrated seismic hazard assesment

* observation tools and modeling of crustal and fault mechanics

- WP1: Microseismicity (ENS, IPGP, NKUA) instruments: borehole velocimeters (50-100 m), surface broadband velocimeters

* space-time variation and focal mechanisms of microseismicity

* refined structures and velocity changes with multiplet studies

* crack-induced shear-wave splitting

* relationship between microseismicity and major faults

* empirical Green’s function methods for strong motion prediction

-  WP2: Reference accelerometric array (NKUA, IPSN, ENS, NTUA, IPGP) instruments: surface & borehole (-200 m) accelerometers on bedrock

* image of rupture kinematics for moderate to large earthquakes

* nucleation phases

* site effects on bedrock

- WP3: Soft soil borehole array (AUTH, NKUA, IPSN, IPGP, NTUA) instruments: borehole and surface accelerometers, pore pressure sensors (0-60m)

* effects of soft soils on ground motion: non-linear response and liquefaction

- WP4: Seismic hazard assessment (NTUA, NKUA)

* engineering assessment of the overall project in terms of seismic input requirements, building code recommendations, and microzoning guidelines

- WP5: Geodesy (NTUA, IPGP)

instruments: continuous GPS

* continuous and repeated measurements of the strain with GPS and inSAR

* modelling of interseismic and coseismic strains

- WP6: Geophysical transients (IPGP, NKUA) instruments: strainmeters, long-base tiltmeter, electric/electromagnetic stations

* identification of transients, and correlation with geochemical and seismic activity

* modelling coupled processes

- WP7: Geochimical transients (ING, IPGP)

instruments: geochemical monitoring station

* geochemical spatial survey

* identification of transients, and correlation with geophysical and seismic activity

- WP8: Tectonics (ING, IPGP, UPSL, Brunel U., AUTH)

* paleoseismology (trenching on fault, coring in sediments, dating) and morphotectonics

* analysis of long time series of rupture events on the major faults

Coordinator: :Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris – IPGP


Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica – ING

University of Athens – NKUA

University of Thessaloniki – AUTH

National Technical University of Athens – NTUA

Institut de Protection et de Sûreté Nucléaire – IPSN

Brunel University – UBRU

Ecole Normale Supérieure – ENS