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- National Observatory of Athens (NOA)
- Institute of Geodynamics (IG): C. Evangelidis, A. Ganas
- Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS): P. Elias
- Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IERSD) : A. Retalis, D. Katsanos, N. Roukounakis
- University of Patras – School of Natural Sciences
- Department of Geology: A. Serpetsidaki, E. Sokos, P. Paraskevopoulos, G. Papatheodorou, M. Geraga
- Department of Physics: A. Argiriou, V. Anastassopoulos, I. Kioutsoukis
- University of Athens – NKUA
- Harokopio University of Athens – HUA
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – AUTH
- Laboratory of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering: K. Pitilakis
- Department of Geology: S. Pavlides
- Department of Geography: A. Mouratidis
- Technical University of Athens – NTUA