Catégorie : Literature
Elias Panagiotis (2013), Ground deformation observed in the western Corinth rift (Greece) by means of SAR interferometry, PhD Thesis, Ecole Normale Supérieure, France. Hal archive
Canitano, Alexandre (2011), Analyse des influences externes et internes sur les mesures extensométriques en forage dans le rift de Corinthe (Grèce), PhD Thesis, IPGP, France PDF
Backert, Nicolas (2009), Interaction tectonique-sedimentation dans le rift de Corinthe, Grece. Architecture stratigraphique et sédimentologie du Gilbert delta de Kerinitis. INPL, Nancy, France
Rohais, Sébastien (2007), Architecture stratigraphique et flux sédimentaires sur la marge Sud du Golfe de Corinthe (Grèce) : analyse de terrain, modélisations expérimentales et numériques, PhD. Thesis, Université de Rennes, France
Van Welden Aurélien (2007), Enregistrements sédimentaires imbriqués d’une activité sismique et de changements paléoenvironnementaux. Etude comparative de différents sites : Golfe de Corinthe (Grèce), Lac de Shkodra (Albanie/Monténégro), Golfe de Cariaco (Vénézuela), PhD Thesis, Université de Savoie, France. PDF
Pacchiani, Francesco (2006), Etude sismologique des failles normales actives du rift de Corinthe, PhD Thesis, Université Paris XI-Orsay
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Flotté, Nicolas (2004) ; Caractérisation structurale et cinématique d’un rift sur détachement: le rift de Corinthe-Patras, Grèce, PhD Thesis, Université de Paris XI, France.
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Le Pourhiet, Laeticia (2004) ; Modélisation thermo-mécanique de l’extension continentale: développements théoriques et applications au Golfe de Corinthe (Grèce) ; PhD thesis, University of Paris 6, France.
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in blue : Publications based on data acquired in the CRL NFO
Apostolidis, P., Raptakis, D., Pandi, K., Manakou, M. and Pitilakis, K. , Definition of subsoil structure and preliminary ground response in Aigion city (Greece) using microtremor and earthquakes, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 26, pp. 922-940 (2006) PDF
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Avallone A., P. Briole, A.M. Agatza-Balodimou, H. Billiris, O. Charade, C. Mitsakaki, A. Nercessian, K. Papazissi, D. Paradissis, G, Veis, Analysis of eleven years of deformation measured by GPS in the Corinth Rift Laboratory area, C.R. Geoscience, 336, 301-312, 2004
Backert N., Ford M., Malartre F. Architecture and sedimentology of the Kerinitis Gilbert-type fan delta, Corinth Rift, Greece , SEDIMENTOLOGY, 57, 543-586, 2010
Baker C., Hatzfeld D., Lyon Caen H., Papadimitriou E., Rigo A, Earthquake mechanisms of the Adriatic Sea and Western Greece., Geophys. J. Int., 131, 559594, 1997 PDF
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Beckers, A., Hubert, A., Beck, C., Bodeux, S., Tripsanas, E., Sakellariou, D., & De Batist, M., Active faulting at the western tip of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, from high-resolution seismic data. Marine Geology 360, 55-69, 2015 PDF
Bell R., L. McNeill, J. Bull, T. Henstock, R. Collier and R. Leeder, Fault Architecture, basin structure and evolution of the Gulf of Corinth Rift, central Greece, Basin Research, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2009.00401.x, 2009 PDF
Bell R., L.C. McNeill, T. J. Henstock and J. M. Bull, Comparing extension on multiple time and depth scales in the Corinth Rift, Central Greece, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05077.x, Geophys. J. Int.,186, 463–470, 2011 PDF
Bernard, P., F. Boudin, S. Sacks, A. Linde, P.-A. Blum, C. Courteille, M.-F. Esnoult, H. Castarède, S. Felekis, and H. Billiris ; Continuous strain and tilt monitoring on the Trizonia island, Rift of Corinth, Greece, C.R. Geoscience, 336, 313-324, 2004
Bernard, P., P. Pinettes, P.M. Hatzidimitriou, E.M. Scordilis, G. Veis, and P. Milas ; From precursors to prediction: A few recent cases from Greece, Geophys. J. Int., 131, 467-477 ; 1997
Bernard, P., G. Chouliaras, A. Tzanis, P. Briole, M.-P. Bouin, J. Tellez, G. Stavrakakis, and K. Makropoulos ; Seismic and electrical anisotropy in the Mornos delta, Gulf of Corinth, Greece, and its relationship with GPS strain measurements, Geophys. Res. Lett. 24, 2227-2230 ; 1997 PDF
Bernard, P., P. Briole, B. Meyer, H. Lyon-Caen, et al., The Ms=6.2, June 15, 1995 Aigion earthquake (Greece): evidence for low angle normal faulting in the Corinth rift, Journal of Seismology,1, 131-150, 1997 PDF
Bernard, P., H. Lyon-Caen, P. Briole, A. Deschamps, F. Boudin, K. Makropoulos , P. Papadimitriou, F. Lemeille, G. Patau, H. Billiris, D. Paradissis, K. Papazissi, H. Castarède, O. Charade, A. Nercessian, A. Avallone, F. Pacchiani, J. Zahradnik, S. Sacks, and A. Linde, Seismicity, Deformation and seismic hazard in the western rift of Corinth : New insights from the Corinth Rift Laboratory (CRL) , Tectonophysics, 426,7–30, 2006 PDF
Bouin, M.-P., J. Tellez, and P. Bernard, Seismic anisotropy around the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) deduced from three-component seismograms of local earthquakes and its relationship with crustal strain, J. Geophysical Res., 101, 5707-5811, 1995
Bourouis S. and F.H. Cornet, Microseismic activity and fluid fault interactions: Some results from the Corinth Rift Laboratory (CRL), Greece, Geophys. J. Int., 2009 PDF
Briole, P., Bufferal, S., Dimitrov, D., Elias, P., Journeau, C., Avallone, A., … & Nercessian, A. (2021). Using Kinematic GNSS Data to Assess the Accuracy and Precision of the TanDEM-X DEM Resampled at 1-m Resolution Over the Western Corinth Gulf, Greece. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 3016-3025.
Briole, P.; Rigo, A.; Lyon-Caen, H.; Ruegg, J.C.; Papazissi, K.; Mitsakaki, C.; Balodimou, A.; Veis, G.; Hatzfeld, D. and Deschamps, A.; Results from repeated Global Positioning System surveys between 1990 and 1995, J. Geophys. Res.,105, 25605—25625, 2001. PDF
Burton, P. W., Y. Xu, G-A. Tselentis, E. Sokos and W. Aspinall, Strong Ground acceleration seismic hazard in Greece ; Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, 23, 159-181 ; 2003
Campos, C., Beck, C., Crouzet, C., Carrillo, E., Van Welden, A., Tripsanas, E., 2013. Late Quaternary paleoseismic sedimentary archive from deep central Gulf of Corinth: time distribution of inferred earthquake-induced layers. Annals of Geophysics 56 (6), S0670, 2013 PDF
Canitano, A., Bernard, P., & Allgeyer, S. (2017). Observation and modeling of the seismic seiches triggered in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) by the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake. Journal of Geodynamics, 109, 24-31.
Canitano, A., P. Bernard, A. Linde, and S. Sacks, Analysis of signals of a borehole strainmeter in the western rift of Corinth, Greece, Journal of Geodetic Science, DOI: 10.2478/jogs-2013-0011 , 2013. PDF
Canitano, A., P. Bernard, A. Linde, S. Sacks, and F. Boudin, Correcting high resolution borehole strainmeter data from complex external influences and uncomplete solid coupling : the case of Trizonia, rift of Corinth (Greece), Pure and App. Geoph., doi10.1007/s00024-013-0742-2, 2013
Cattin, R., P. Briole, H. Lyon-Caen, P. Bernard, and P. Pinettes ; Effects of superficial layers on coseismic displacements for a dip-slip fault and geophysical implications ; Geophys. J. Int. 137, 149-158 ; 1999 PDF
Causse C. , I. Moretti, R. Eschard, L. Micarelli, B. Ghaleb and N. Frank, Kinematics of the Corinth Gulf inferred from calcite dating and syntectonic sedimentary characteristics ; C. R. Geoscience ,336 ,281-290, 2004 PDF
Chambon G., Scmittbuhl J., Corfdir A., Orellana N., Diraison M., Géraud Y., Effective fault core thickness : from laboratory experiments to field scale observations, Tectonophysics, 426, 77-94, 2006
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Clarke, P. J., R. R. Davies, P. C. England, B. Parsons, H. Billiris, D. Paradissis, G. Veis, P. A. Cross, P. H. Denys, V. Ashkenazi, R. Bingley, H. G. Kahle, M. V. Muller, and P. Briole, Crustal strain in central Greece from repeated GPS measurements in the interval 19891997, Geophys. J. Int., 135, p. 195-214, 1998
Cociani, L., C.J. Bean, H. Lyon-Caen, F. Pacchiani, and A. Deschamps, Coseismic velocity variations caused by static stress changes associated with the 2001 Mw=4.3 Agios Ioanis earthquake in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece., J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JB006859, 2010 PDF
Collier R., D. Pantosti, G. D’Addezio, P.M. De Martini, E. Masana, and D. Sakellariou, Paleoseismicity of the 1981 Corinth earthquake fault: seismic contribution to extensional strain in central greece and implications for seismic hazard, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 30001-30020, 1998
Cornet, F.H., P. Bernard, and I. Moretti ; The Corinth Rift Laboratory, C.R. Geoscience, 336, 235-242, 2004
Cornet F.H., M.L. Doan, I. Moretti and G. Borm, Drilling through the active Aigion Fault : The AIG10 well observatory, C.R. Geoscience, 336, pp 395-406, 2004
Daniel, J.M., I. Moretti, L. Micarelli, S. Essautier Chuyne & C. Delle Piane, Macroscopic structural analysis of Ag10 Well (Gulf of Corinth, Greece), C. R. Geoscience, 336 , 425-434, 2004 PDF
De Martini P.M., D. Pantosti, N. Palyvos, F. Lemeille, L. McNeill and R. Collier ; Slip rates of the Aigion and Eliki faults from uplifted marine terraces, Corinth Gulf, Greece, C. R. Geoscience, 336, 325-334; 2004
Dublanchet, P, P. Bernard, and P. Favreau, Interactions and triggering in a 3-D rate-and-state asperity model, J. Geophys. Res., DOI: 10.1002/jgrb.50187, 2013. PDF
Dublanchet, P., P. Bernard, and P. Favreau (2013), Creep modulation of Omori law generated by a Coulomb stress perturbation in a 3-D rate-and-state asperity model, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 118, 4774–4793, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50311, 2013. PDF
Doan M. L. and F. H. Cornet : Small pressure drop triggered near a fault by small teleseismic waves, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 258, 2007, 207-218 PDF
Doan M.L. and F.H. Cornet, Thermal anomaly near the aigio fault, gulf of Corinth, Greece, maybe due to convection below the fault, Geoph. Res. Lett, 34, L06314, 2007 PDF
Flotté N., Plagnes V., Sorel D., Benedicto A. ; U/Th and stratigraphic dating of a quaternary fault’s death. The Xylokastro-Loutro fault, northern Peloponnesus, Greece , Geophys. Res. Lett., 28 (19), 3769-3772 ; 2001
Flotté N., Sorel D, Muller C, et al., Along strike changes in the structural evolution over a brittle detachment fault: Example of the Pleistocene Corinth-Patras rift (Greece), Tectonophysics, 403, 77-94, 2005
Floyd M. A.; Billiris H.; Paradissis D.; et al., A new velocity field for Greece: Implications for the kinematics and dynamics of the Aegean, J. Geophys. Res.,115, B10403, doi: 10.1029/2009JB007040, 2010 PDF
Ford, M., Williams, E.A. and Malartre, F., Stratigraphic Architecture, sedimentology and structure of the Vouraikos Gilbert-type delta, Gulf of Corinth, Greece, Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists, ed. C. Paola, G.J. Nichols and E.A. Williams, 44-90, 2007 PDF
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Ford M., S. Rohais, E. Williams, S. Bourlange, D. Jousselin, N. Backert, F. Malartre, Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the western Corinth rift (Central Greece), Basin Researcch, Volume: 25,3-25, DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2117.2012.00550.x, 2013 Frima C., I. Moretti, E. Brosse, F. Quattrocchi and L. Pizzino ; Can Diagenetic Processes Influence the Short Term Hydraulic Behaviour Evolution of a Fault?, Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP, 60, 213-230, 2005 PDF
Gallovic F., J. Zahradnık, D. Krızova, V. Plicka, E. Sokos, A. Serpetsidaki, and G-A. Tselentis, From Earthquake Centroid to Spatial-Temporal Rupture Evolution: Mw 6.3 Movri Mountain Earthquake, June 8, 2008, Greece, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2009 PDF
Ganas A., E. Serpelloni, G. Drakatos, M. Kolligri, I. Adamis, Ch. Tsimi, E. Batsi , The Mw 6.4 SW-Achaia (Western Greece) Earthquake of 8 June 2008: Seismological, Field, GPS Observations, and Stress Modeling, J. of Earthquake Engineering, 13:1101–1124, 2009 PDF
Gautier S., Latorre D., Virieux J., Deschamps A., Skarpelos C., Sotiriou A., Serpetsidaxi A. and Tselentis A., A new passive tomography of the Aigion area (Gulf of Corinth, Greece) from the 2002 dataset, Pageoph, 163, 431-453, doi : 10.1007/500024-005-0033-7, 2006
Gautier, S., J. Virieux and G. Nolet, Finite-frequency tomography in a crustal environment: application to the western part of the Gulf of Corinth, Geophysical Prospecting, 56, 493-526, 2008
Géraud Y., M. Diraison and N Orellana; Fault zone geometry of a mature active normal fault: a potential high permeability channel (Pirgaki fault, Corinth rift, Greece), Tectonophysics, 426, 61-76, 2006
Ghisetti F. and L. Vezzani, Plio-Pleistocene sedimentation and fault segmentation in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) controlled by inherited structural fabric, C.R. Geosciences, 336, 243-250, 2004
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Giurgea V., D. Rettenmaier, L. Pizzino, I. Unkel, H. Hötzl, A. Förster, F. Quatrocchi, Preliminary hydrogeological interpretation of the Aigion area from the AIG10 borehole data, C.R. Geoscience, 336, 467-476, 2004
Godano M., A. Deschamps, S. Lambotte, H. Lyon-Caen,P. Bernard and F. Pacchiani, Focal mechanisms of earthquake multiplets in the western part of the Corinth Rift (Greece): influence of the velocity model and constraints on the geometry of the active faults, Geophys. J. Int. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggu059, 2014 PDF
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